Available datasets

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Halloween Dataset

This dataset contains labeled images of Halloween costumes for kids and adults. It's free for all to use and is owned by Labellerr. It is created by contributions done by the community and can be used by researchers, students, or engineers to build great computer vision models.



The largest driving video dataset with 100K videos and 10 tasks to evaluate the exciting progress of image recognition algorithms on autonomous driving.


Google Landmarks Dataset v2

The Google Landmarks Dataset v2 (GLDv2), is a new benchmark for large-scale, fine-grained instance recognition and image retrieval in the domain of human-made and natural landmarks.

Google Landmarks Dataset v2


Locked dataset

Pandaset is one of the popular large scale datasets for autonomous driving. This dataset enables the researchers to study self-driving and aims to promote advanced research and development in autonomous driving and machine learning.

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