Labellerr vs CVAT vs V7 Labs

Labellerr vs CVAT vs V7 Labs
V7 Labs vs Labellerr vs CVAT

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Labellerr vs CVAT
  3. Labellerr vs V7 Labs
  4. CVAT vs V7 Labs
  5. Conclusion
  6. FAQS


In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence and machine learning, data annotation has become a crucial step in training accurate and robust models.

High-quality annotated data is the backbone of successful AI applications, making the choice of annotation tools a critical decision for any data science team.

Among the ocean of annotation tools available, V7 Labs, Labellerr, and CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool) stand out for their unique features and capabilities.

Each of these tools offers distinct advantages tailored to different user needs and project requirements.

This blog delves into a detailed comparison of V7 Labs, Labellerr, and CVAT, highlighting the key differences in their functionalities, user interfaces, collaboration features, integration capabilities, and overall performance.

By examining these aspects, we aim to provide a clear understanding of which tool might be the best fit for your specific annotation needs, whether you are a solo annotator, a part of a small team, or working within a large organization.




V7 Labs

Project Size and Complexity

Small to Medium Projects

Best Fit



Large-Scale Projects




Simple Annotations




Complex Annotations




Ease of Use

User-Friendly Interface




Steep Learning Curve




Data Quality and Accuracy

Basic Quality Assurance Tools




Advanced QA Tools




AI-Powered Automation




Collaboration and User Management

Basic Collaboration




Advanced Collaboration Features




User Roles and Permissions




Integration and Extensibility

APIs and SDKs




Integration with ML Frameworks




Custom Workflows and Scripts




Deployment and Accessibility

Cloud-Based Deployment




On-Premise Deployment









Subscription Plans




Enterprise Pricing




Additional Features

Rich Data Analytics




Domain Experts




Labellerr vs CVAT

Project Size and Complexity:

  • Labellerr: Suitable for small to medium-scale projects with simpler annotation requirements.
  • CVAT: More suited for researchers, students, and single users working on micro-scale annotation tasks.

User Interface and Usability:

  • Labellerr: Typically offers a more streamlined and user-friendly interface even for beginners. Its design focuses on simplicity and ease of use. It has a lower learning curve.
  • CVAT (Computer Vision Annotation Tool): Designed for more technical users, providing a comprehensive set of tools that might have a steeper learning curve. It is powerful but can be complex for beginners.

Annotation Types and Features:

  • Labellerr: Supports almost all types of annotation, such as bounding boxes, polygons, and key points. Also supports other modalities like audio, text, and pdfs as well.
  • CVAT: offers a wide range of annotation types, including bounding boxes, polygons, masks, points, and lines. However, limited to only visual data like images and videos.

Collaboration and User Management:

  • Labellerr: Excels in high-level collaboration, allowing multiple teams to work together seamlessly. It offers extensive project management tools that facilitate effective coordination, task assignment, and progress tracking, ensuring that large and diverse teams can collaborate efficiently.
  • CVAT: Designed with limited collaboration in mind, managing a big team and a large volume of data could be challenging.

Integration and Extensibility:

  • Labeller: Offer all critical integration like cloud data connectors, and LLM integration for captioning and transcription use cases. Also, provide on-demand custom integration based on the use case and workflow requirements.
  • CVAT: It provides APIs and supports plugins, making it easier to customize and integrate into existing workflows.

Data Quality and Accuracy:

  • Labellerr: Comprehensive quality assurance features including quality control based on ground truth annotation, random sampling, model-assisted QC, and LLM-based evaluation. It also offers comprehensive data analytics, providing valuable insights into the annotation process and performance.
  • CVAT: Limited quality control measurements in place like visual QC.

Performance and Scalability:

  • Labeller: Highly scalable, capable of handling massive datasets with complex annotation needs. This makes it perfect for medium to large-scale annotation tasks.
  • CVAT: It is built to handle small projects with limited datasets efficiently. It is optimized for performance, even with complex annotations.

Customer Support:

  • Labellerr provides extensive support with its Slack integration, and dedicated account managers without extra charge towards the project. All queries are resolved quickly and efficiently, ensuring that users receive timely help. Labellerr excels at providing round-the-clock support to its customers.
  • CVAT: Backed by a strong open-source community with extensive documentation, active forums, and regular updates. Users can benefit from community-driven improvements and support. No dedicated support would be available making it difficult for team to manage the tool related issues.

Labellerr vs V7 Labs

User Interface and Usability:

  • Labellerr: Designed with a focus on simplicity and ease of use, often targeted towards non-technical users with a streamlined interface. Labellerr has a quick onboarding process, enabling teams to start annotating within 48 hours.
  • V7 Labs: Offers a more advanced and feature-rich interface, tailored for professional use. It includes more detailed controls and options, which might require a high learning curve.

Annotation Types and Capabilities:

  • Labellerr: Supports all annotation types such as bounding boxes, polygons, and key points. It provides essential tools for standard annotation tasks. It also offers automated labeling using AI, which increases the accuracy and speed of annotation.
  • V7 Labs: Provides a wide variety of annotation types including bounding boxes, polygons, key points, masks, and 3D cuboids. It also offers advanced tools like automated labeling with AI assistance, which significantly speeds up the annotation process, at par with Labellerr.

Collaboration and User Management:

  • Labellerr: Multiple teams can work together smoothly on the task. It provides powerful project management tools to keep everyone on the same page. You can easily assign tasks, track progress, and coordinate efforts, ensuring even large and diverse teams collaborate efficiently.
  • V7 Labs: Designed for robust collaboration with extensive user management features. It allows for multiple roles, permissions, and real-time collaboration, making it suitable for larger teams and more complex projects. However, lacks an intuitive design and needs constant help from support.

Integration and Extensibility:

  • Labellerr: Offers all critical integration capabilities with other tools and platforms. On-demand customization and feature development is their strength in working with the team on their unique workflow. It makes it suitable for enterprises looking for custom workflow and pipeline setup that helps them to prepare high-quality labels faster.
  • V7 Labs: Highly integrative with APIs and SDKs, allowing seamless integration with various machine learning frameworks, data storage solutions, and other annotation tools. It supports custom workflows and automation scripts.

Data Quality and Accuracy:

  • Labellerr: Labellerr goes beyond basic checks with features like "ground truth" comparisons and evaluations based on large language models (LLMs). Labellerr provides rich data analytics, giving its users a clear picture of the annotation process and its performance. Pinpoint how well data is labeled and identify areas for improvement.
  • V7 Labs: Utilizes AI-powered automation and active learning to enhance data quality and accuracy, especially for complex tasks.

Performance and Scalability:

  • Labellerr: It can efficiently handle large-scale projects without performance issues, even as the dataset size increases or the annotations become more complex. Its robust infrastructure ensures smooth and consistent performance, making it a reliable choice for projects of any size.
  • V7 Labs: Built to handle large-scale projects efficiently. It is optimized for high performance with large datasets and complex annotation tasks, ensuring scalability for enterprise-level use cases.


  • Labellerr: Typically features simple, cloud-based pricing plans. Offers bulk discounts on projects making it suitable for even small organizations. Provides data credits at just 0.01 USD per data point. Detailed pricing is here.
  • V7 Labs: Generally more expensive due to advanced features and automation capabilities, with both subscription and enterprise options. See the pricing page.

CVAT vs V7 Labs

User Interface and Usability:

  • CVAT: Offers a comprehensive set of annotation tools with a focus on functionality. The interface can be complex and might require a learning curve, particularly for non-technical users.
  • V7 Labs: Provides a modern and intuitive user interface with a focus on user experience. It is designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible even to non-technical users while still offering advanced features.

Annotation Types and Capabilities:

  • CVAT: Supports a wide range of annotation types including bounding boxes, polygons, masks, points, and lines. It also includes features for video annotations such as interpolation and frame tracking.
  • V7 Labs: Offers a diverse array of annotation types, including bounding boxes, polygons, key points, masks, and 3D cuboids. It goes further by integrating AI-powered annotation tools for automated labeling, significantly enhancing annotation speed and accuracy.

Collaboration and User Management:

  • CVAT: Facilitates collaboration with basic user management features, allowing multiple users to work on the same project with role assignments. However, its collaboration tools are relatively simple.
  • V7 Labs: Designed for extensive collaboration with advanced user management, allowing for detailed roles, permissions, and real-time collaboration. It is built to support large teams and complex project management needs.

AI and Automation:

  • CVAT: Primarily focused on manual annotation with limited automation features. While it supports some automation through interpolation in video annotations, AI integration is minimal.
  • V7 Labs: Integrates advanced AI and machine learning capabilities for automated labeling, active learning, and model training. These features help streamline the annotation process and improve efficiency.

Integration and Extensibility:

  • CVAT: Highly extensible with APIs that allow for integration with other machine learning tools and frameworks. It supports plugins and custom scripts, making it adaptable to various workflows.
  • V7 Labs: Provides extensive integration capabilities with APIs, SDKs, and seamless integration with popular machine learning frameworks and data storage solutions. It supports custom workflows and automation scripts for enhanced flexibility.

Deployment and Accessibility:

  • CVAT: Open-source and can be self-hosted, providing users with full control over their data and deployment. It also offers a cloud version for users who prefer a managed solution.
  • V7 Labs: Offers both cloud-based and on-premise deployment options, giving users flexibility in data control and accessibility. The cloud-based option ensures easy access and scalability, while the on-premise option addresses data privacy concerns.

Performance and Scalability:

  • CVAT: Designed to handle large-scale projects efficiently, but performance can vary depending on the complexity of the tasks and the setup of the self-hosted environment.
  • V7 Labs: Optimized for high performance and scalability, capable of handling enterprise-level projects with large datasets and complex annotations. Its cloud infrastructure is designed to maintain performance even under heavy loads.


Choosing the right annotation tool is essential for ensuring the efficiency and accuracy of your data labeling process. V7 Labs, Labellerr, and CVAT each offer unique strengths that cater to different needs and project requirements.

In conclusion, the choice between V7 Labs, Labellerr, and CVAT depends on your specific annotation needs, technical expertise, and project scale.

V7 Labs is best for those looking for IDP (Intelligent Document Processing), and Dicom annotations with automation. However not provide extensive labeling service support and domain expertise.

Labellerr is ideal for teams who need a simple and intuitive tool with automated annotation, faster turnaround time, and quality control. With Labellerr managing computer vision, NLP, Transcription, and LLM Evaluations tasks become very simple. Also, it provides end-to-end solutions with tools, automation, quality assurance, and human-in-the-loop services.

CVAT stands out for its performance, extensibility, and suitability for complex and micro-scale annotation projects. Though not highly reliable as data storage is not top-notch, customer support is also non-existent.

By understanding the unique advantages of each tool, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project's goals and requirements.


1. What are the main differences between V7 Labs, Labellerr, and CVAT?

  • V7 Labs: Offers advanced AI-powered automation, a modern user interface, and robust collaboration features, making it ideal for professional use and large-scale projects.
  • Labellerr: Focuses on simplicity and ease of use, providing a user-friendly interface suitable for small and medium-sized teams. It shines where quality assurance, faster annotation, and easy-to-use tools are needed.
  • CVAT: An open-source tool known for its flexibility and extensive customization options, designed for technical users requiring detailed and complex annotations with self-hosting capabilities.

2. Which tool is best for beginners?

  • Labellerr: It is designed with a focus on simplicity and ease of use, making it the best choice for beginners or users who need a straightforward annotation tool without advanced features. CVAT is a little complex for beginners to start with.

3. Can these tools be used for collaborative annotation projects?

  • Yes. All three tools support collaborative annotation projects, but they differ in their collaboration features:
  • V7 Labs: Offers advanced user management, real-time collaboration, and detailed roles and permissions.
  • Labellerr: Provides extensive collaboration features suitable for small and medium-sized teams. It provides in-tool communications for feedback and remarks to improve quality assurance. Also, provide the best annotation services to work on the task.
  • CVAT: Supports collaboration with user management and role assignments, though its collaboration tools are less advanced compared to V7 Labs.
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