Aditya Toshniwal

Aditya Toshniwal

Aditya is a Computer science graduate from VIT, Vellore. Has deep iterest in the area of deep learning, computer vision, NLP and LLMs. He like to read and write about latest innvovation in AI.
Unleashing the Power of Computer Vision for Seamless Inventory Management – A Step-by-Step Guide
computer vision

Unleashing the Power of Computer Vision for Seamless Inventory Management – A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction The inefficiencies in inventory management are an ongoing battle for retailers. Overstocking uses up funds, out-of-stocks annoy customers, and manual counting is labor-intensive and prone to mistakes. Bring on computer vision! Retailers' approach to inventory management is being revolutionized by this intriguing technology, which offers intelligent eyes. This is
4 min read